Aviation Ground School
About the Course
Falki Aviation Bonaire and SkillsProf have teamed up to bring to Bonaire the first official FAA Private Pilot Ground School Training.
If you have a dream of becoming a pilot but always thought that you couldn't be able to afford the proper training, think again! Our training is based on international standards and regulations for a low price of $450,-
Through a combination of classroom lessons, e-learning and online study, additional multimedia materials and a thorough exam training program, you will gain the necessary knowledge to prepare for the official FAA Private License Theory-Exam.
We gauarentee hands-on experience from FAA Certifdied Advanced Ground School Instructors (AGI).
Student Requirements:
- General Education Level
- Understanding of the English Language
- Minimum age of 16 is required to take the official FAA written test. (the training however, can be started at an earlier age.)
Course details
- May 2014
- Open for signup
Download attachments:
- Flyer FAA INFO_1 (1082 Downloads)
- Flyer FAA INFO_2 (1126 Downloads)