Aviation Ground School

About the Course

Falki Aviation Bonaire and SkillsProf have teamed up to bring to Bonaire the first official FAA Private Pilot Ground School Training.

If you have a dream of becoming a pilot but always thought that you couldn't be able to afford the proper training, think again! Our training is based on international standards and regulations for a low price of $450,-

Through a combination of classroom lessons, e-learning and online study, additional multimedia materials and a thorough exam training program, you will gain the necessary knowledge to prepare for the official FAA Private License Theory-Exam.

We gauarentee hands-on experience from FAA Certifdied Advanced Ground School Instructors (AGI). 

Student Requirements:

  1. General Education Level
  2. Understanding of the English Language
  3. Minimum age of 16 is required to take the official FAA written test. (the training however, can be started at an earlier age.)


Course details

  • May 2014
  • Open for signup
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